Assigning tests for execution

Assigning test execution promotes collaboration and effective communication among team members. By assigning specific test cases to individual testers, you can ensure that the workload is distributed evenly and efficiently. This prevents duplication of effort and ensures that each tester focuses on executing their assigned tests, leading to faster and more accurate results.

By using a consistent approach to test execution assignment, TestRail allows you to monitor the progress of test execution, view individual testers' workloads, and generate comprehensive reports on test coverage. These reports offer valuable insights to project stakeholders, facilitating informed decision-making throughout testing.

In TestRail, you can assign tests for execution in many ways:

  • On test run creation
  • On test run edition
  • Individual test case assignment
  • Assignment during results submission
  • Bulk test cases assignment

Assignment on test run creation

To assign tests for execution in TestRail during test run creation, you can follow the steps below:

  • In TestRail, navigate to the desired project where you want to create the test run
  • Access the Test Runs & Results section.
  • Click on the Add Test Run button.
  • In the Assign To dropdown field, select the user you wish to assign the test run.


  • Fill in the required details for the test run, such as its name, description, and other relevant information.
  • Save the test run.
  • The test run and all its test cases are assigned to the user.

Assignment on test run editing

To edit an existing test run and assign it to a specific user in TestRail, you can follow the below steps:

  • Navigate to the project that contains the test run you want to edit.
  • Navigate to the Test Runs & Results section.
  • Click on the desired test run to open its details.
  • Click on the Edit button.


  • In the Assign To dropdown field, select the user you wish to assign the test run to.
  • Save the changes.
  • The test run and all its test cases are assigned to the user.

Individual test case assignment

To individually assign a test case within the test run, you can follow the steps below:

  • Navigate to the project containing the test run where you want to assign the test cases.
  • Navigate to the Test Runs & Results section.
  • Click on the desired test run to open its details.
  • Click on the test case to open it in the 3-pane view.
  • Click on the Assign To button.


  • In the Assign To dialog box, choose the assignee from the Assign To dropdown list and click the Assign To button.


Test assignment during results submission

You can also assign the test case to a user during the test results submission with the help of steps below:

  • Navigate to the project containing the test run where you want to assign the test cases.
  • Navigate to the Test Runs & Results section.
  • Click on the desired test run to open its details.
  • Click on the test case to open it in the 3-pane view.
  • Click on the Add Result button.


  • In the Add Result screen, choose the assignee from the Assign To dropdown list and click the Add Result button.



TestRail allows you to submit test results simultaneously for many test cases. Using bulk result submission allows you to assign multiple test cases to a particular. For more details, please refer to Submitting test results.

Bulk test cases assignment

For doing the bulk assignment of test cases, you can follow the steps below:

    • Navigate to the project containing the test run where you want to assign the test cases.
    • Navigate to the Test Runs & Results section.
    • Click on the desired test run to open its details.
    • Select the test cases you want to assign in bulk. You can use checkboxes next to each test case to select multiple test cases.
    • Click on the Assign selected option, as shown in the screenshot below.


    • In the Assign To dialog, choose the assignee from the Assign To dropdown list and click the Assign To button



You can also use the Assign all in filter option in TestRail to assign multiple test cases. This allows you to assign them to a specific tester based on specific filter. This feature allows you to streamline the assignment process by filtering the test cases and assigning them all simultaneously.

Managing workload on the TO DO page

The TODO section in TestRail is a powerful feature designed to help you effectively manage and track your tasks. The TODO section provides an overview of all the tasks that need to be completed by you and helps the team to be organized in a better way.

One of the crucial benefits of the TODO section is its personalized nature. Once a test case or test run is assigned to you, it promptly appears in your dedicated TODO section for the corresponding project. This ensures you have a tailored list of tasks specific to your role and project.

By incorporating test runs and test cases into the TODO list, the TODO section empowers each team member with clear visibility of their responsibilities, allowing them to concentrate on completing their assigned tasks. Regularly reviewing the TODO section facilitates ongoing progress monitoring, ensuring timely identification of any testing activities falling behind schedule.

Analyzing the chart in the TODO section

The chart in the TODO section of TestRail helps you manage your workload and prioritize your testing tasks effectively. This chart gives information about the active test runs and upcoming test runs assigned to you.

Active tests in the TODO section are the tests that are currently in progress while the Upcoming tests are the ones that belongs to a test run or test plan associated with a milestone with a start date in the future.


Test runs list

In the Test Runs lists, you can find the following information:

  • All test runs which contain at least one test assigned to you
  • The number of tests assigned to you within a particular run displayed next to its name
  • The progress bar in the test run indicating the overall progress of the entire run

By clicking on a test run, you’ll navigate to the test run and the tests list will be filtered to show only the tests assigned to you, providing a focused view of your assigned tasks.


Admin view

Users with a regular tester role can only see their workload in the TODO section of TestRail. However, if you are an admin, you have the ability to see everyone's workload in the TODO list. To do this, you can use the User Filter in the page's top right corner.

In the User Filter, select the team member whose TODO list you want to see and click the User Filter button.13.JPG

Now you can see the TODO list for both of the users.14.JPG



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