Submitting test results

As a test management tool, TestRail allows you to add test results to test cases and track test execution progress. This article will explore the multiple ways you can submit your test results and how you can enrich them with useful information, as well as track their full history.

Different ways of submitting a test result

To add test results with TestRail, the first step is to select the test run to which you want to add results. To do this, navigate to the Test Runs & Results section. From there, select the test run you want to add results to.

After selecting the test run, there are different ways of submitting a test result.

  • Using the status dropdown
  • Using Add Result in the 3-pane view
  • Using Pass & Next in the 3-pane view
  • Submitting results in bulk
  • Opening a test and adding a result


Using the status dropdown

Submitting the results using the Status dropdown can be done by clicking the status of a particular test case in the test cases list and selecting the desired status from the options. After selecting the desired result Status, the Add Result dialog will be displayed so that you can fill in the details of your test result.



Using Add Result in the 3-pane view

Another way you can submit the result of any test case is by clicking the Add Result button on the 3-pane view. This will also display the Add Result dialog.


Using Pass & Next in the 3-pane view

In the 3-pane view, you can also use the Pass & Next button to submit the results. After clicking on this button, the status of the test case will be immediately set as Passed, and you will be automatically moved to the different test case. If you click the arrow on the button, you’ll also be able to submit any result other than passed. This is a good method to quickly submit results if you do not need to add any extra details other than the result status.


Submitting results in bulk

TestRail allows you to submit test results simultaneously for many test cases. This feature saves time if the same result status applies to more than one test case. To do this, you can select multiple test cases and click the Add Results button.


Opening a test and adding a result

You can also submit the results of any test case from its details page. You can navigate to this page by clicking on the test case within the test run. If you click the Add Result button within the test case, the Add Result dialog will be displayed as it would be in the test run page.


The Add Result dialog

Once you see the Add Result dialog, you can start reporting your test conditions and findings, track testing time, report bugs to your issue tracker and even assign the test for someone else to follow-up.



Besides the default fields listed below, TestRail supports custom result fields, which you can use to further enrich your test results.

Field Description

The Status field is the only mandatory field in the Add Result screen, as it indicates whether the test case passed, failed, blocked, or was not run. TestRail allows you to customize the test result statuses to match the specific needs of your testing process. By default, you will be presented with the following result statuses:

  • Passed: The test case passed, and all expected results were achieved.
  • Failed: The test case failed, and one or more desired results were not achieved.
  • Blocked: The test case could not be executed due to a blocking issue, such as a defect or environmental issue.
  • Retest: The test case needs to be retested after a defect has been fixed or a configuration issue has been resolved.

The Comment field is where you can add any additional information or context about the test result. Comments can be used to provide details about the steps taken during the test execution, any issues encountered, or any other relevant information that will help understanding the test result.


The Attachments section allows you to upload any supporting documentation or evidence, such as screenshots or log files, that support the test result. This helps in providing additional context and detail about the test result.

Assign To

The Assign To field allows you to assign a test case to a specific team member.


The Version field helps track the version or build number of the application being tested.


The Elapsed field records the time it took to execute a test case, which is useful to track general testing effort and to identify any potential bottlenecks in the testing process. You can enter the time using a time format, such as time in seconds (20s), a combination of minutes and seconds (2m 10s), etc. For TestRail versions 5.5 and above, it is possible to submit the test results elapsed time in milliseconds (i.e., 0.001s). Besides entering the time manually, you can use the Start link to start a timer inside TestRail and then stop it when you're done executing your test case.


When you add a test result, you can use the Defects field to link a defect being tracked in an external defect or issue tracker. If you have a Defect Plugin integration configured, you will be able to use the Push functionality to create new defects and push them to your external tool without leaving TestRail. You can also configure a link to navigate to your issue tracker's defect creation screen and use the Add functionality.


Steps template

If your test case is using a Steps template, you can specify the result of each step. Also, in case one of the steps fails, you can input what the Actual Result was.


After you are done entering the necessary details for whoever is going to analyze the result, you can click the Add Result button at the bottom of the dialog to save it.

Tracking test results

You can track and analyze test results data using three different views.

Results & comments

Shows the results and comments for a particular test case within the test run in chronological order.


History & Context

Shows a line chart on top with the statistics for results submitted for this test case over time. Below the chart there is a list with the latest result of the test case in different test runs.



Shows all logged defects for related tests over time (all defects of the same test case).



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