The Property Distribution (Results) report shows a summary of tests grouped by a selectable attribute for a given project, milestone, or specific test run. As the name implies, this report distributes tests based on their properties (the attribute selected). For instance, you can group your tests by Status. In such a case, the report will show you different status categories and the tests that fall under each category.
Creating a Property Distribution (Results) report
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Steps to create a Property Distribution (Results) report
To generate the Property Distribution (Results) report in TestRail, you need to put a few configuration settings in place.
Navigate to the project for which you would like to create a test report. Then, navigate to the Report tab.
On the right side, you will see a pane titled Create a Report. Click on Property Distribution report under the Results section.
On Add Report page, you will find 3 main sections:
- Name and Description
- Report Options
- Access & Scheduling
Follow the below steps to configure each section
- Name and Description
Enter the report's name and description in their respective fields.
- Report Options
On the Add Report page, scroll down to Report Options. Here, you will see three tabs, GROUPING, SECTIONS & TEST RUNS, and TESTS.
The GROUPING tab allows you to group your tests by different attributes. These attributes include Status, Type, Automation Status, Automation Type, Assigned To, Tested By, and Template. Whatever attribute you select will determine what your report will show you.
Also, under the GROUPING tab, you can include an aggregated summary of groups by checking the appropriate box. With this, your report will include a stacked horizontal bar chart that groups the test results based on the selected attribute. Also, you can check the box for the test details per group. With this option checked, your report will include different lists of tests grouped under each category of the attribute selected.
Customizing Stacking OptionsUsers with administrator permissions can add and customize an additional attribute when adding new Property Distribution reports.
Once you add a Property Distribution report inside a Project, you can customize your chart grouping options by selecting a second attribute as a stacking variable to the reports, from the Stack the test result by drop-down field in the Grouping options tab:
Selecting a stacking option (such as Priority in the example above) will result in the additional attribute being applied and stacked in your report’s chart and in the associated table.
Running the report without the stacking variable will generate the chart and table without the additional metrics.
You can see more details on how to customize these charts and other improvements here.
You can do the following under the SECTIONS & TEST RUNS tab:
- Choose to include all sections of test cases or specific sections only. This allows you to show the results for specific sections of the test case that you would like to display in your report. If you would like to make specific selections, make sure to click the radio button “The following sections only:”. You can also hold down the ctrl/cmd key and click to select multiple sections or sub-sections.
- Choose the test runs for which you would like to view test results. This can be done in two ways. The first option is to apply one or more filters to select the test runs that match the applied filter(s). You can filter the test runs using parameters like Assigned To, Completed On, Created By, Milestone, etc. This can be helpful if you want to compare results for tests across multiple test runs that fit certain criteria, e.g. all the test runs in a given test plan or across a milestone that you are using to track testing for a specific release.
The second option is to make individual selections of the test runs, one by one. Click the radio button next to Only the following test runs, then click Add Test Runs and check the boxes for each test run you would like to include in your report.
- Select the maximum number of test runs to include. The maximum number can be five, 10, 25, 50, or 100.
You can do the following under the TESTS tab:
- Filter the tests to be displayed in the report by any case field—including custom case fields—except text fields, like Assigned to, Estimate, Priority, etc. For instance, in the figure below, the Priority filter is applied and set to High.
- Choose the column(s) to include in the tables displaying tests' information in the report. The default columns include ID and Title. Depending on the information you want to display, you can add additional columns such as Type (of the test), Priority, etc.
- Set the maximum number of tests to display per group. The maximum number can be 10, 25, 50, 100, 250, 500, or 1000.
- Choose to include all sections of test cases or specific sections only. This allows you to show the results for specific sections of the test case that you would like to display in your report. If you would like to make specific selections, make sure to click the radio button “The following sections only:”. You can also hold down the ctrl/cmd key and click to select multiple sections or sub-sections.
- Access & Scheduling
This section enables users to set access and scheduling options. For more details, please refer to the General configurations guide.
Finally, scroll down and click Add Report to generate the report.
Reading a Property Distribution (Results) report
It may take minutes to generate your report depending on the data included. However, once the report is fully generated, the next thing is to view and interpret it. To view the report, go to your Reports tab and click on the appropriate report under the list. The first chart on the report page is a stacked horizontal bar chart that groups the test results based on the attribute you selected while configuring the report. For example, you can see in the figure below that the test results for the particular report were grouped by the Status attribute. Hover your mouse on each of the bars to see more details.
Next, you will see a table showing the stats, including the number and percentage of tests that fall under each category of the attribute selected during report configuration. For the report shown below, you can see that Untested is one of the categories under the Status attribute, and it has 17 tests, accounting for 11% of the total tests.
Afterwards, you will see a list of the test runs in your report.
Then, the report shows the list of tests grouped under each category of the attribute selected during report configuration. For instance, a report grouped by Status will list tests under categories like Passed, Blocked, Untested, Retest, and Failed.
You can click on any of the tests if you would like to get more insights. For instance, clicking on the failed test with ID T31697 displays more details, as shown below. The red ball implies that you are viewing a failed test.