This topic explains how to integrate TestRail with Axosoft (previously named OnTime). There are currently four ways to integrate TestRail with Axosoft, namely:
Using defect URLs to link test results to Axosoft
Using reference URLs to link test cases to Axosoft
Using the defect plugin for Axosoft to push and look up Axosoft tickets
- Using the reference plugin for Axosoft to look up Axosoft issues in the References field of TestRail entities such as test cases, test runs, and milestones
You don’t have to use all listed integration options and you can mix and match the integration with other tools. Configuring the integration usually only takes a few minutes and this guide explains how to configure the integration and how it works.
Defect URLs
The defect URLs are used to let TestRail know how to access your Axosoft instance. Once the URLs have been configured, a new Add link appears next to the Defects field in the Add Test Result dialog. This link allows you to jump to Axosoft’s web form to report a new work item. Additionally, entered case IDs are linked to your Axosoft instance to make it easier to track the status of your cases.

To configure Axosoft’s URLs in TestRail, select Administration > Integration. You can alternatively enter separate bug tracker URLs for each project under Administration > Projects.
Use the following example URLs to configure the addresses:
Axosoft (Hosted) Defect View Url: Defect Add Url: OnTime 2011 or later Defect View Url: http://your-server/viewitem.aspx?id=%id%&type=defects Defect Add Url: http://your-server/edititem.aspx?type=defects OnTime 2009 or earlier Defect View Url: http://your-server/defects/viewdefect.aspx?defectid=%id% Defect Add Url: http://your-server/defects/addeditdefect.aspx Desktop client* Defect View Url: Desktop client alternative Defect View Url: ontime://0_%id%
* Desktop client: OnTime’s desktop client uses a special protocol handler (ontime:) to allow links from web applications to bugs. Axosoft provides a special redirect link for this (via
Defect plugins
Defect plugins can be used to implement a deeper bug tracker integration and TestRail comes with ready-to-use Axosoft defect plugins. TestRail comes with two different defect plugins for OnTime, depending on the OnTime version and API you use:
Axosoft v17 or later: Use this defect plugin (called
in TestRail) if you are using OnTime v17 or later.
Please note: Axosoft no longer supports the creation of defects since all Work Items now correspond to Features on their platform.
If you still wish to use the plugin to push features into Axosoft, we recommend implementing an additonal workflow step called “bug”, “defect” or whichever naming convention works for your team. The workflow step should have the Work Item Type set to “Bug (Issue)” and, under the Allowed Next Steps settings for the new Workflow Step, check all the allowed Next Steps for bugs/defects (or create new ones as desired).
The next time you attempt to push a Work Item to Axosoft, remember to set the Workflow Step dropdown field to the step created above. Implementing this workaround means you can continue to use the defect plugin to create Work Items of type Bug (Issue) in Axosoft.
Axosoft v13 or later: Use this defect plugin (called
in TestRail) if you are using OnTime v13 or later (including OnTime Now). This defect plugin uses OnTime’s new REST API for the integration.
Axosoft v12 or earlier: Use this defect plugin (called
in TestRail) if you are using OnTime v12 or earlier. This defect plugin uses OnTime’s SOAP API for the integration.
Reference URLs
The reference URLs link test cases to cases stored in Axosoft via the References field. Once the URLs have been configured, case IDs entered in the References field are linked to your Axosoft instance to make it easier to jump to related issues, feature specifications, or requirements.
To configure Axosoft’s URLs for the References field, select Administration > Integration. You can alternatively enter separate reference URLs for each project under Administration > Projects.
Use the following example URLs to integrate TestRail with Axosoft:
Axosoft (Hosted) Reference View Url: Reference Add Url: OnTime 2011 or later Reference View Url: http://your-server/viewitem.aspx?id=%id%&type=defects Reference Add Url: http://your-server/edititem.aspx?type=defects OnTime 2009 or earlier Reference View Url: http://your-server/defects/viewdefect.aspx?defectid=%id% Reference Add Url: http://your-server/defects/addeditdefect.aspx