Editor formatting reference

Some fields in TestRail allow for rich text formatting. You can use rich text formatting in TestRail by using an easy to learn syntax called  Markdown .

For example, to make a word appear  italic , just surround it with asterisks like *this*. Likewise, to make a word appear  bold , surround it with two **asterisks**.

There are syntax elements to make lists, add links, include code blocks, headers, images, and a lot more. Please see below for a list of available syntax options and for examples on how to use them.

The syntax reference and highlighting were inspired by  Stack Overflow.

Italics and bolds

There are multiple ways to emphasize words using *asterisks* or _underscores_.

  • A single *asterisk* or _underscore_ will _italicize the text_
  • Two **asterisks** or __underscores__ will __bold the text__
  • Three ***asterisks*** or ___underscores___ will ___make the text bolded AND italicized___


*This is italicized*, and so is _this_.
**This is bold**, and so is __this__.
You can use ***italics and bold together*** if you ___have to___.


Code and preformatted text

To make a code block, indent the whole text with four spaces:


The text below should have code formatting

    Hello there!
    This code is in a formatted code block


Code blocks are displayed in a monospaced typeface.As shown in the Output text, the first four spaces will be stripped off, but all other whitespaces will be preserved.

You cannot use Markdown or HTML within a code block, which makes them a convenient way to show samples of Markdown or HTML syntax:

If code blocks are embedded in text blocks, they require an empty line before and after.

Code spans

Use backticks to create an inline <code> span:


Press the ` <Tab>` key, then type a ` $` .


(The backtick key is in the upper left corner of most keyboards.)

Like code blocks, code spans are displayed in a monospaced typeface. Markdown and HTML will not work within them. 


There are two ways to write links. The second one is easier to read than the first:


Here’s an inline link to  [Google](https://www.google.com/)
Here’s a reference-style link to  [Google][1] . [1]:https://www.google.com/


The link definitions can appear anywhere in the document — before or after the place where you use them.


You can use hash marks before each header text. To differentiate levels of headers, you can add hash marks corresponding to the header level that you want to render:


# Header 1
## Header 2
### Header 3


Horizontal rules

This syntax is used to create a horizontal line or divider in your document. You can insert one by putting three or more hyphens, asterisks, or underscores on a line by themselves:


Rule #1

Rule #2
Rule #3



You can also use spaces between the characters:

Rule #4
- - - -

All of these examples produce the same output.

Simple lists

For a bulleted list:


-   You can use a minus sign for a bullet
+   Or plus sign
*   Or an asterisk




Please do not use 'hyphen' instead of a 'minus' sign as this will NOT produce a bulleted list.

For a numbered list:


1.   Numbered lists are easy
2.   Markdown keeps track of the numbers for you
7.   So this will be item 3.


A double-spaced list:


–   This list gets wrapped in <p> tags
   –   So there will be extra space between items



Blockquotes are indented.

Add a > to the beginning of any line to create a blockquote.


> The syntax is based on the way email programs
> usually do quotations. You don’t need to hard-wrap
> the paragraphs in your blockquotes, but it looks much nicer if you do.



Images are exactly like links, but they have an exclamation point in front of them:


![Valid XHTML](https://w3.org/Icons/valid-xhtml10).



The word in square brackets is the alt text which appears if the browser can’t show the image. Be sure to include meaningful alt text for screen-reading software.


Requires  TestRail 5.0  or later. Tables can be formatted as follows:


||| :Header 1 | :Header 2 | :Header 3 | :Header 4
|| Row 1 .. | R1H2 | R1H3 | R1H4
|| Row 2 .. | R2H2 | R2H3 | R2H4



The first line specifies the table header and column alignments. The alignments are determined by colon characters in the respective header cells at the beginning/end of the cells. The following alignments are supported:

:Header Left-aligned (default)
:Header: Centered
Header: Right-aligned


The table cells themselves support a limited set of rich-text formatting. The following features are supported inside a table cell:

Advanced lists

You can put other Markdown blocks in a list. Simply indent four spaces for each nesting level:


1. Lists in a list item:
    - Indented four spaces.
        * indented eight spaces.
    - Four spaces again.
2.  Multiple paragraphs in a list items:
    It's best to indent the paragraphs four spaces
    You can get away with three, but it can get
    confusing when you nest other things.
    Stick to four.
3. Preformatted text in a list item:
        Skip a line and indent eight spaces.
        That's four spaces for the list
        and four to trigger the code block.


Advanced blockquotes

You can put other Markdown blocks in a blockquote. To do so, add a > followed by a space:

Paragraph breaks in a blockquote:


> The `>` on the blank lines is required
> to create a single blockquote.
> If you leave out the extra `>`
> you will end up with
> two distinct blockquotes.


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