Configuring defect integrations

Defect URLs

Defect URLs are an easy and universal way to link TestRail to bug trackers and project management tools. Once the defect URLs have been configured, TestRail allows you to jump to your bug tracker’s New Bug page to enter new bug reports. Entered defect IDs are also automatically linked to your bug tracker to make it easy to track and follow the status of reported issues.


Configuring defect URL integrations

The URL integration with bug trackers and other external issue trackers can be configured globally or on a per-project basis. You can also specify a global bug tracker and override it for just a few specific projects. To configure a global bug tracker, select  Administration  >  Site Settings  >  Integration  and enter the web addresses of your bug tracker.

Defect View URL

This is the web address of your bug tracker to  view  a case. Use  %id%  as the placeholder for the case ID. E.g., if a bug is accessed with the address http://server/view.html?1234, enter http://server/view.html?%id% here.

Defect Add URL

This is the web address of your bug tracker to  add  a case. You can usually just enter the address of your bug tracker’s add form here.

To configure a bug tracker for a specific project, edit the project and enter the web addresses of your bug tracker on the  Integration  tab.


How defect URL integrations work

Once the defect URLs have been configured, a new  Add  link appears next to the Defects field in the  Add Test Result  dialog. This link allows you to quickly jump to your bug trackers New Bug form to report a new bug. Additionally, entered issue IDs are linked to your bug tracker instance to make it easier to track the status of your issues.



Please see below for links to sample URLs for popular bug trackers and project management tools. If you use one of the listed tools, you can just copy & paste the sample URLs and the following documentation will also list any other integration mechanisms we support for these tools.


Defect plugins overview

Defect plugins can be used to implement a more sophisticated bug tracker integration in addition to configuring the Defect URLs . Using a defect plugin allows you to directly push bug reports from TestRail to your bug tracker by using the API  or web service of your bug tracking tool. Defect plugins also allow you to look up information about bug reports directly from TestRail, making it easy to check and follow the status and changes of reported issues.

TestRail comes with ready-to-use defect plugins for popular tools and you can build your own plugins for custom tools or not yet supported third-party systems. Please see below for how to configure and use defect plugins.



How defect plugins work

With a Defect Plugin configured, a new Push link is added next to the Defects field in the Add Test Result dialog. This allows you to quickly create a new bug or other item in your external defect tracker without leaving TestRail.


Once you have submitted a bug report, the resulting ID can be added to any Defects field (by the defect plugin or manually). You can also view details about the bug report in TestRail by hovering your mouse cursor over the defect ID on the test page.



Configuring the defect plugin integrations

Defect plugins can be configured globally or on a per-project basis. You can also specify a global defect plugin and override it for just a few specific projects. To configure a global plugin, navigate to  Administration > Integration  and select a defect plugin. To configure a defect plugin for a specific project, edit the project, and select the plugin on the Defects  tab.

Each plugin comes with its own set of configuration parameters that must be defined in order to use the plugin. For example, many bug trackers require a login in order to submit bug reports, so you usually need to configure a username and password for the bug tracker in TestRail. When you select a plugin, all required configuration parameters are displayed in the [connection] section.

Customizing the push defect issue description

Defect Plugins allow you to configure and change the fields displayed in the Push Defect dialog. By default, the plugin already supports a list of fields in the [push.fields] section.


Displayed fields

You can change the fields which appear in the push dialog by setting them ‘on’ or ‘off’. Any fields not listed by default can be defined as a  Custom Field , assuming your tool supports custom fields and the field type is supported.



You can enable & disable individual fields and also change the order of fields by adjusting the above configuration.

Field options

In addition to enabling or disabling fields as discussed above, it’s also possible to change additional options per field. To do this, you would define a section for the field, such as [push.field.component] and specify additional options within this section.


You don’t need to specify all options though, especially for fields which the plugin supports by default. If you just want to change the required option for a field, for example, you can skip the other options. Please see below for an explanation of the various options:


Option Description
label Specifies the display name of the field in the Push Defect dialogue ( Required for custom fields)
size Specifies whether the field is displayed as a compact field ( compact ) or uses the full width of the dialogue ( full )
remember Specifies if previously selected values for this field should be remembered and restored the next time the Push Defect dialogue is opened
required Specifies if this field is mandatory or optional and whether users are required to enter a value for this field in the Push Defect dialogue
type Specifies the type of this field; please see section Custom fields below for a list of supported field types ( Required for custom fields)

Custom fields

You can also use the above-mentioned approach to add custom fields to TestRail’s Push Defect dialogue. To do this, simply add a line with your custom field to the [push.fields] section to add a field:


Then, add a [field.settings.{custom field identifier}] section. This section is required so the plugin can push and/or retrieve data from your tool. The following is an example custom field configuration for Jira:


The following field types may be supported:

Field Type Description
bool A Yes/No dropdown menu for True/False, Yes/No, or similar binary values.
date A string field which accepts a YYYY-MM-DD or similarly structured date value. Formatting may depend on the integrated tool’s requirements.
datetime A string field which accepts a YYYY-MM-DD HH:MM or similarly structured date and time value. Formatting may depend on the integrated tool’s requirements.
string A small free-text field for up to 250 characters
text A large free-text field without practical size limitations
dropdown A dropdown list that allows users to select one of the multiple options
multiselect Allows users to select multiple, pre-defined options


A custom field always needs to be specified using customfield_<id> or a similar notation. Please see your specific tool’s plugin documentation for custom field definitions, supported field types, and other tool-specific details.

Customizing the hover preview window

When viewing test results, you can hover your mouse pointer over any ID in any  Defects  field, and TestRail will retrieve information about that item from your integrated bug tracker. This information will be displayed in a pop-up dialog, allowing you to see important information without needing to leave TestRail.

Similar to [push.fields] customization, defect plugins allow you to configure and change the fields displayed when hovering over a Defect ID. By default, the plugin supports a list of fields in the [hover.fields] section. You can change the fields which appear in the push dialog by setting them ‘on’ or ‘off’, and change field properties using a [field.settings.{field name}] section, as described in Field Options.

You can also configure custom fields for link hovering. If a field is not listed by default, it will need to be defined as a Custom Field, assuming the field type is supported. If a field is configured for the Push dialog, you do not need to add a second [field.settings.{custom field identifier}] section.



You can enable & disable individual fields and also change the order of fields by adjusting the above configuration.


Custom fields in the defect hover preview

You can add a custom field to the [hover.fields] section in the same manner as you would add a custom field to the [push.fields] section. A custom field always needs to be specified using customfield_<id> or a similar notation and must have a [field.settings.{custom field identifier}] section. Please see your specific tool’s plugin documentation for custom field definitions, supported field types, and other tool-specific details.


Defect from anywhere

For any project which uses a Defect Plugin and/or Defect URL , users can connect to the integrated external tool using the  ‘Defects’  button available on the following TestRail views:

  • The project Overview page
  • The project Milestones page
  • The project’s Test Runs and Results pages (including from a test run or test plan)
  • The Test Cases page



Push New Defect

This option in the Defects menu is used to open the Push dialog for submitting a new defect to your external tool, without leaving TestRail. This feature requires a Defect Plugin to be configured for your TestRail instance, or the current project. The guide for configuring defect integrations can be found here .

When you successfully submit a new defect to the external tool using this dialog, TestRail will provide you with the new entity ID so you can then enter this ID into the Defects or References fields of any associated TestRail entities.

Add New Defect

This option in the Defects menu is used to open the defect creation screen in your external tool. This feature requires a Defect Add URL to be configured for your TestRail instance, or the current project. 

When using the Add New Defect option, TestRail will not automatically capture the ID of the new entity you create. If you would like to add this ID to the Defects or References field of a TestRail entity, you will need to copy the ID from your external tool in order to add it to your TestRail entities.

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