Installing TestRail

To install the actual TestRail application on your Unix server, upload and extract the TestRail installation archive to your web server and copy the files to your web server’s www directory (e.g., on Ubuntu it’s /var/www/html/testrail). Some Unix systems do not support the unzip command by default, so you might have to install it first (example shows Ubuntu/Debian):

$ sudo apt-get install unzip

Then point your web browser to the new testrail directory on your web server to launch the TestRail Installation Wizard (e.g. http://<server>/testrail/) and follow the instructions:

The installer will ask you to specify Cassandra information. This depends on the information you provided during installation.

The default values are:

  • Server: localhost
  • Port: 9042 
  • Keyspace: testrail or the name you provided when creating a Keyspace
  • Username: cassandra or the user you created for TestRail and granted permissions to
  • Password: cassandra or the password you gave the user you created

The installer will also ask you to specify directories to store attachments, reports, and log files. Please create those directories and make sure that the directories are writable by the web server. With the attachment and report directories, also make sure that they aren’t directly accessible with a web browser for security reasons, so specify a directory outside your www directory (for example, /opt/testrail/attachments). To make the directories writable by your web server, just change the ownership of the directories to your web server user. For example, on Ubuntu systems:

$ sudo chown www-data:www-data /var/www/html/testrail/logs/
$ sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/testrail/attachments/
$ sudo chown www-data:www-data /opt/testrail/reports/


You must activate the TestRail background task. This background task is responsible, among other things, for sending out email notifications for test changes if you have the feature enabled. To learn how to activate it, see the background task documentation.

Once you finish the steps, you will get this success screen at the end.

You can start using the application by clicking Log in to TestRail or by accessing it with your web browser, i.e.:



If you’re upgrading from 7.0 to either 7.4 or above, you need to run the migration script as documented on the Upgrading TestRail documentation.

The recommended upgrade sequence is:

  1. Install and configure Cassandra

  2. Install or upgrade TestRail

  3. Execute out the 7.0 or previous to 7.4 and up migration script

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