Customer Portal


The TestRail Customer Portal is the customer interface used to manage your TestRail purchasing details, such as your TestRail license key, viewing your monthly fees, invoices, as well as contact details.

The Customer Portal ( is connected to the TestRail Software company website. TestRail is a wholly separate application and so it requires unique login credentials. In order to be added to the Customer Portal, please contact us here.

Once you have access to it, we invite you to take this short course on how to use your Customer Portal, which covers all the day to day details of this admin interface. Visit it here.

Accessing the Customer Portal

The Customer Portal is the interface setup to access all billing-related aspects of your TestRail licensing details (via Keeping the Customer Portal separate from TestRail itself allows you to have billing contacts (such as an Accounts Payable representative or corporate buyers) access subscription or license details, invoices, as well as monthly statements, without needing a TestRail login.

In order to access your Customer Portal account, please navigate to within your preferred browser.

  • View active TestRail Licenses under Overview > View Licenses
  • Access license keys under Overview > Licenses & Downloads
  • Review Subscription details under Overview > Subscriptions
  • Update contact information under Overview > My Account > Update Account Settings

If you require access to this interface, please contact us here.



1. How do I update the payment details I have on file?

TestRail Cloud (monthly subscriptions only): You may so do by logging into your Customer Portal account ( > Under the Overview section, select Subscriptions.


Next, select the Edit Payment Details icon to update the payment method on file. The following page will provide a secure interface to update the credit card stored on your account.

payment details.png

2. Where can monthly statements and receipts be viewed?

TestRail Cloud: Monthly statements or receipts can be viewed through the Customer Portal at > Under the Overview section, select Subscriptions. Next, scroll down and you will see the "Recent Subscription Billing" section. 

These statements or receipts are also sent via a monthly email to the primary and billing contacts listed on the account. Aside from the emails being sent out each month, billing portal contacts will have the option to download the pdf copies of the previous monthly statements or receipts sent for the past 24 months. 

If you do not have a login for the Customer Portal account, feel free to contact us here and we can create an account for you free of charge.

3. Where do I see my remaining balance?

If you have a Prepaid TestRail Cloud subscription, you can go to your Customer Portal at > Under the Overview section, select Subscriptions. You'll find your hosted instances listed in this section and the remaining balance as well. 


If the balance isn't enough to cover the usage of the next month, a notification will be sent to the billing contacts, and a banner will be displayed to let you know that the subscription is due for renewal. You can renew online following the link next to the banner or you can reach out to your TestRail Customer Success Team here.

4. Where do I update the contact details associated with my account?

If you are the primary contact in your Customer Portal, you should be able to add a Billing, Technical and primary contact by clicking the “Add New Contact” located at the bottom of the page. 

If you need help to add new contacts, submit a request here.


We've added a new feature to the TestRail Customer Portal, you now have the ability to update your contract’s auto-renewal status. To make changes, log in to your profile and go to Settings in the upper right corner of the portal. Locate the switch at the bottom right. Once activated, registered contacts will receive a confirmation email for each status change, along with a timestamp for reference. 

*Please note that if the auto-renew switch is locked, it indicates that your contract is outside the opt-out window.

We are consistently enhancing our renewal process for all customers, and we trust you'll find this feature valuable for your upcoming renewal! For any questions, please do not hesitate to contact us in our TestRail Help Center.



Your account details

When submitting inquiries, we will often ask for key details about your account to help us locate you information in our systems and provide faster service. The following sections provide additional tips about how you can locate these details:

Detail Description Location Example
Customer number A 5-6 digit string that starts with 'K' and serves as your unique customer ID with TestRail


TestRail instance URL

The address you enter in your web browser to access your TestRail instance (also called 'hostname')

  • For TestRail Cloud accounts, this ends with,, or
  • Web address bar


Version number

The version of TestRail you use

  • Help & Feedback > About TestRail
  • Info panel under Administration






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