You can add and invite additional users to your TestRail instance, including team members, clients, or external contractors. You can add users individually or in bulk via the Administration area in your TestRail instance or via the Users API endpoints (available starting in TestRail 7.3).
Add individual users
To add and invite additional users, navigate to Admin, then to Users & Roles in your TestRail instance. You can either add additional users one by one via the Add User button, or you can add many users at once via the Add Multiple Users button.
Add multiple users in bulk
If you want to upload multiple users at a time, click Add Multiple Users. Simply copy and paste a comma-separate list of names and emails in the input box. You can set the role, group membership, and project permissions for the whole list of users you are adding, or leave values to defaults.
Add users via the TestRail API
If your TestRail instance is version 7.3 or above, you can also add users to your account programmatically via the API. For more information about this, check the user documentation on the TestRail API Users endpoint.
For additional information related to user accounts, refer to the following topics:
- Managing user permissions and roles
- Authorizing users via Single-sign on (SSO)
- Active Directory integration (for TestRail Server only)
- TestRail user pricing for TestRail Server and TestRail Hosted
Concurrent User Sessions
As of TestRail, TestRail enforces a limit of 3 concurrent user sessions allowed per user. This feature was implemented to strengthen account security by restricting access through shared accounts.
Upon reaching the session limit, the system will invalidate the oldest session associated with that user. The affected user will be logged out of the expired session and redirected to their instance's login page, requiring them to re-authenticate to regain access.