Result Fields

Use the following API methods to request details about custom fields for test results.


Returns a list of available test result custom fields.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_result_fields

Response content

The response includes an array of custom field definitions. Please see below for a typical response:

        "id": 11,
        "is_active": true,
        "type_id": 11,
        "name": "step_results",
        "system_name": "custom_step_results",
        "label": "Steps",
        "description": null,
        "configs": [
                "context": {
                    "is_global": true,
                    "project_ids": null
                "id": "..",
                "options": {
                    "format": "markdown",
                    "has_actual": false,
                    "has_expected": true,
                    "is_required": false

A custom field can have different configurations and options per project which is indicated by the configs field. To check if a custom field is applicable to a specific project (and to find out the field options for this project), the context of the field, the configuration must either be global (is_global) or include the ID of the project in project_ids.

Also, the following list shows the available custom field types (type_id field):

Type ID Name
1 String
2 Integer
3 Text
5 Checkbox
6 Dropdown
7 User
8 Date
9 Milestone
11 Step Results
12 Multi-select

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the available custom fields are returned as part of the response)
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