
Use the following API methods to upload, retrieve and delete attachments.

The following headers must be used when uploading attachments via the TestRail API using POST requests:

Content-Type: multipart/form-data

The attachment should be submitted as form data in the body of the request. Please review our Accessing the API documentation or TestRail’s bindings for examples of submitting an attachment.


After TestRail 7.1 release (cloud), the attachment management system slightly changed. A new format for attachment ID has been introduced. Please check here: Introduction to the TestRail API



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.5.2 or later.

Adds an attachment to a test plan. The maximum allowable upload size is set to 256MB.

POST index.php?/api/v2/add_attachment_to_case/{case_id}


Name Type Required Description
case_id integer true The ID of the test case the attachment should be added to.

Response content

Please see below for a typical response:

    "attachment_id": 443

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
attachment_id integer The ID of the attachment uploaded to TestRail

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment ID is returned in the response)
400 Invalid or unknown test case
403 No access to the project
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Adds an attachment to a test plan. The maximum allowable upload size is set to 256MB.

POST index.php?/api/v2/add_attachment_to_plan/{plan_id}


Name Type Required Description
plan_id integer true The ID of the test plan the attachment should be added to.

Response content

Please see below for a typical response:

    "attachment_id": 443

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
attachment_id integer The ID of the attachment uploaded to TestRail

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment ID is returned in the response)
400 Invalid or unknown test plan
403 No access to the project
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Adds an attachment to a test plan. The maximum allowable upload size is set to 256MB.

POST index.php?/api/v2/add_attachment_to_plan_entry/{plan_id}/{entry_id}


Name Type Required Description
plan_id integer true The ID of the test plan containing the entry
entry_id integer true The ID of the test plan entry the attachment should be added to

Response content

Please see below for a typical response:

    "attachment_id": 443

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
attachment_id integer The ID of the attachment uploaded to TestRail

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment ID is returned in the response)
400 POST request not formatted properly or invalid ID parameter(s)
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 5.7 or later.


The ability to edit test results must be enabled under ‘Site Settings’ in order for add_attachment_to_result endpoints to work.

Adds an attachment to a result based on the result ID. The maximum allowable upload size is set to 256MB.

POST index.php?/api/v2/add_attachment_to_result/{result_id}


Name Type Required Description
result_id integer true The ID of the test result the attachment should be added to

See the Results API documentation for details of how to obtain:result_id’s.

Response content

Please see below for a typical response:

    "attachment_id": 443

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
attachment_id integer The ID of the attachment uploaded to TestRail

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment ID is returned in the response)
400 POST request not formatted properly or invalid result ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Adds an attachment to test run. The maximum allowable upload size is set to 256MB.

POST index.php?/api/v2/add_attachment_to_run/{run_id}


Name Type Required Description
run_id integer true The ID of the test run the attachment should be added to

Response content

Please see below for a typical response:

    "attachment_id": 443

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
attachment_id integer The ID of the attachment uploaded to TestRail

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment ID is returned in the response)
400 POST request not formatted properly or invalid run ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 5.7 or later.

Returns a list of attachments for a test case.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachments_for_case/{case_id}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}


Name Type Required Description
case_id integer true The ID of the test case to retrieve attachments from

Request filters

The following filters can be applied:

Name Type Description
limit integer The number of attachments the response should return (The response size is 250 by default) –requires TestRail 6.7 or later
offset integer Where to start counting the attachments from (the offset) – requires TestRail 6.7 or later

Response Content

Please see below for a typical response:

"offset": 0, "limit": 250, "size": 0, "_link": { "next": null, "prev": null, }, "attachments": [ { "id": 1773, "name": "image.jpg", "size": 21995, "created_on": 1585560521, "project_id": 33, "case_id": 57333, "user_id": 1, "result_id": null } ] }


After TestRail 7.1 release (cloud), the attachment management system slightly changed. A new format for attachment ID has been introduced. Please check here: API – Getting Started

    "offset": 0,
    "limit": 250,
    "size": 4,
    "_links": {
        "next": null,
        "prev": null
    "attachments": [
            "client_id": 614308,
            "project_id": 2,
            "entity_type": "case",
            "id": "2ec27be4-812f-4806-9a5d-d39130d1691a",
            "created_on": 1631722975,
            "data_id": "63c82867-526d-43be-b1a5-9ddfcf581cf5",
            "entity_id": "3",
            "filename": "msdia80.dll",
            "filetype": "dll",
            "legacy_id": 0,
            "name": "msdia80.dll",
            "size": 904704,
            "user_id": 1,
            "is_image": false,
            "icon": "other"
] }

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
id integer The unique ID for the attachment
name string Name of the attachment
size integer Size of the attachment in bytes
created_on timestamp The time/date the attachment was uploaded
project_id integer The ID of the project the attachment was uploaded against
case_id integer The ID of the case the attachment belongs to
user_id integer The ID of the user who uploaded the attachment
result_id integer The test result ID to which the attachment belongs

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success(an array of attachment details is returned in the response)
400 Invalid test case ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Returns a list of attachments for a test plan.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachments_for_plan/{plan_id}&limit={limit}&offset={offset}


Name Type Required Description
plan_id integer true The ID of the test plan to retrieve attachments from

Request filters

The following filters can be applied:

Name Type Description
limit integer The number of attachments the response should return (The response size is 250 by default) –requires TestRail 6.7 or later
offset integer Where to start counting the attachments from (the offset) – requires TestRail 6.7 or later

Response Content

Please see below for a typical response:

        "id": 1900,
        "name": "TR-2104.gif",
        "size": 3838070,
        "created_on": 1602178189,
        "project_id": 15,
        "case_id": null,
        "user_id": 1,
        "entity_attachments_id": 360,
        "icon_name": "Gif Image",
        "result_id": null

The following system fields are always included in the response:

Name Type Description
id integer The unique ID for the attachment
name string Name of the attachment
size integer Size of the attachment in bytes
created_on timestamp The time/date the attachment was uploaded
project_id integer The ID of the project the attachment was uploaded against
case_id integer The ID of the case the attachment belongs to
user_id integer The ID of the user who uploaded the attachment
entity_attachments_id integer The ID of the attachment record (not the ID of the attachment itself)
icon_name string The name of the icon used within the TestRail UI
result_id integer The test result ID to which the attachment belongs

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (an array of attachment details is returned in the response)
400 Invalid test ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Returns a list of attachments for a test plan entry.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachments_for_plan_entry/{plan_id}/{entry_id}


Name Type Required Description
plan_id integer true The ID of the test plan containing the entry
entry_id integer true The ID of the test plan entry to retrieve attachments from

The method returns the same response format as get_attachments_for_plan.

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (an array of attachment details is returned in the response)
400 Invalid test ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 6.3 or later.

Returns a list of attachments for a test run.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachments_for_run/{run_id}?limit={limit}&offset={offset}


Name Type Required Description
run_id integer true The ID of the test run to retrieve attachments from

The method returns the same response format as get_attachments_for_plan.

Request filters

The following filters can be applied:

Name Type Description
limit integer The number of attachments the response should return (The response size is 250 by default) –requires TestRail 6.7 or later
offset integer Where to start counting the attachments from (the offset) – requires TestRail 6.7 or later

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (an array of attachment details is returned in the response)
400 Invalid test ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 5.7 or later.

Returns a list of attachments for a test’s results.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachments_for_test/{test_id}


Name Type Required Description
test_id integer true The ID of the test to retrieve attachments from

The method returns the same response format as get_attachments_for_case.

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (an array of attachment details is returned in the response)
400 Invalid test ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 5.7 or later.

Retrieves the requested file identified by attachment_id.

GET index.php?/api/v2/get_attachment/{attachment_id}


Name Type Required Description
attachment_id integer true The ID of the test to retrieve attachments from

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment is returned in the body of the response)
400 Invalid attachment ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)



This endpoint requires TestRail 5.7 or later.

Deletes the specified attachment identified by attachment_id.

POST index.php?/api/v2/delete_attachment/{attachment_id}


Name Type Required Description
attachment_id integer true The ID of the attachment to delete

Response content

A successful delete_attachment POST will return an empty response body with a 200 response code.

Response codes

Status Code Description
200 Success (the attachment was deleted)
400 Invalid attachment ID
403 No access to the project or insufficient permissions
429 TestRail Cloud only—Too many requests (see API rate limit)


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