Installation requirements - 8.0.4 version


TestRail 8.0.4 is available for all Server customers. Customers who wish to upgrade to TestRail 8.0.4 can download the installation files from the Customer Portal.

TestRail Server is a web application that can be installed directly on your web or application server. It uses a database (SQL Server or MySQL) and a NoSQL database (Cassandra) to store the application data. Please see below for the exact server requirements and supported versions.

Windows Server Requirements

  • Operating System: Windows Server 2016, 2019, or 2022
  • Database: MS SQL Server (Version 2012, 2014, 2016 with Mixed Mode Authentication, 2017, or 2019 supported) and Cassandra 3.11. (MySQL is not supported in a Windows environment)
  • Web server: IIS with FastCGI / PHP integration
  • PHP: 8.1 (recommended) or 8.0 (with curl, fileinfo, gd, imagick, mbstring, openssl, and sqlsrv_81_nts_x64)
  • Cassandra PHP driver extension

In the following table, you will find information about the requirements to install TestRail Server on a Windows environment.

Release Cassandra Minimum Cassandra Recommended SQL Server Minimum SQL Server Recommended Rabbit MQ Minimum Rabbit MQ Recommended
Windows 7.5.3 3.11.14 3.11.14 2019 2022 3.11.8 3.11.8
Windows 8.0 3.11.14 3.11.14 2019 2022 3.11.8 3.11.8


RabbitMQ is optional and only needed as a Webhooks dependency.

For more information about installing TestRail Server in a Windows server environment, read Preparing your Windows server for the installation or Installation on Docker: Overview.

Unix/Linux Server Requirements

  • Operating System: We test TestRail with various Linux distributions, but any standard Unix-based server operating system with Apache, MySQL, Cassandra 3.11, and PHP support will work. We recommend Ubuntu Server LTS versions.
  • Database: MySQL 5.7, 8.0 or MariaDB 10.1 or later
  • Web server: Apache with mod_php or equivalent
  • PHP: 8.1 (with curl, fileinfo, gd, imagick, mbstring, openssl, and mysql extensions)
  • Cassandra PHP driver extension
Release Cassandra Minimum Cassandra Recommended My SQL Minimum My SQL Recommended Rabbit MQ Minimum Rabbit MQ Recommended
Linux 7.5.3 3.11.14 3.11.14 5.5 8.1 3.11.8 3.11.8
Linux 8.0 3.11.14 3.11.14 5.5 8.1 3.11.8 3.11.8


RabbitMQ is optional and only needed as a Webhooks dependency.

For more information about installing TestRail Server in a Unix or Linux server environment, read Preparing your Unix/Linux server for installation or Installation on Docker: Overview.

Web browsers

  • Microsoft Edge (recent versions)
  • Firefox (recent versions)
  • Chrome, Safari, Webkit (recent versions)

Hardware requirements

We recommend adhering to the following list of requirements as a minimum starting point for your TestRail Server installation:

  • CPU & Cores: reasonable modern CPU with multiple cores
  • Memory: 4GB+ (Linux) or 6GB+ (Windows Server)
  • Disk/IO performance: server-grade disk/IO subsystem recommended
  • Disk space: 200MB+ per user, in addition to system space. (e.g. 20-40GB+ for overall machine)
  • Virtualization supported: Yes, with server-grade VM product.

Check out our optimization tips for large installations.


If you’re looking for information on upgrading TestRail, please check out the guides to upgrade TestRail on Windows and Unix/Linux environments.

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