
Configurations are a powerful feature that allows users to efficiently manage and execute test runs under varied environments or conditions. This feature is particularly useful for projects that require testing in different settings, such as multiple browsers, operating systems, or device types.

The primary purpose of configurations is to streamline the process of testing an application across multiple environments. By using configurations, teams can ensure comprehensive coverage and efficient testing without the need for redundant test cases or test runs.

The Configurations functionality is available by default for any TestRail instance using version 5.2 or later.

User permissions

Configurations are specific to each project in your TestRail instance. Administrators can use roles and permissions to manage users’ access to Add, Edit, and Delete Configurations. Roles such as “Lead,” “Tester,” and “Guest” can be created, and permissions can be added based on what actions each role performs. 

The Configurations permissions highlighted below affect how your user roles in each project can manage this data. 

  • Add/Edit: This allows users to add and edit Configurations and/or Configuration Groups within the Configurations dialog box.
  • Delete: This allows users to delete Configurations and/or Configuration Groups entirely.


For more information about configuring user roles and permissions, see Permissions.

Creating and Managing Configurations

  • Open the Configurations dialog box: Go to 'Test Runs & Results', click 'Add Test Plan', click ‘Add Test Run(s)’ and click ‘Configurations


  • Create Configuration Group(s): Click ‘Add Group’, add a ‘Name’ for the group, and click ‘Add Group’ 


  • Add Configuration(s) to Group: Click on ‘Add Configuration’ next to the group name, add a ‘Name’ for the Configurations, and click ‘Add Configuration’.


  • Configuration Group and relevant Configurations are added to the project, ready to be used in Test Plans.


Using Configurations

  • Create a new Test Plan: Go to 'Test Runs & Results', and select 'Add Test Plan'.


  • Add Test Runs: Click on 'Add Test Run(s)' to add Test Run(s) that are to be run as part of the Test Plan.


  • Add Configurations to the Test Run(s): Click ‘Configurations’, select the checkboxes next to the relevant Configurations, and click ‘OK’.


  • Create Test Plan with Configuration(s): Click ‘Add Test Plan


  • Test Plan is created with selected Configurations added to the selected Test Run.


Configurations API endpoints

TestRail’s Configurations feature is also supported by the TestRail API. The following API endpoints are available to view and manage your test data:

  • get_configs
  • add_config_group
  • add_config
  • update_config_group
  • update_config
  • delete_config_group
  • delete_config

Please review our API documentation for further details.

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