Early Access release track date: 14-Dec-2023
Default release track dates: 26-Dec-2023
We’re pleased to announce the release of TestRail to Cloud customers containing several fixes and improvements.
Fixes and Improvements
Fixes (108)
- TR-3043 - Prepending text in a field with an emoji deletes the text
- TR-4007 - Broken image attachments / Existing Attachments not rendering
- TR-4034 - ODBC error while trying to bulk edit test cases
- TR-4038 - Azure OpenID connect SSO requires Admin Consent.
- TR-4271 - Not able to create projects in testrail which is having 1k users
- TR-4288 - Broken Attachments (X icon) after upgrading to Testrail Server
- TR-4371 - Upload Attachment in Test Case fields do not update after Save Case.
- TR-4384 - Detailed print report missing test results
- TR-4441 - List of Tests not showing in Test Run
- TR-4508 - Unable to import XML file
- TR-4512 - Reports are stuck, not generating
- TR-4542 - With Project level administration rights it is possible to elevate access level
- TR-4591 - Clicking on Columns button when printing a test run freezes the application
- TR-4634 - SSO users are unable to authenticate Certificates
- TR-4677 - Images are not showing in Actual result field
- TR-4738 - "Status" and "Assigned To" are being scrunched in the UI
- TR-4757 - Test Runs and Test Cases exported to an Excel file with the option "Include separated steps on separate rows " checked don't have separate rows for the steps.
- TR-4763 - Users are able to login with local credentials when "Authentication Fallback" is disabled on SSO config
- TR-5123 - Test Case Title with Escaped Strings are rendered in API
- TR-5124 - Test Case History showing incorrect format for Test Steps
- TR-5136 - Test Cases Missing from a Suite in a Test Plan
- TR-5266 - Removing shared steps with retaining steps in test cases throws an error
- TR-5286 - Filtering a test run in print view removes results /test case details
- TR-5299 - Unable to import CSV
- TR-5333 - All Users are unable to Change Column widths when printing Runs
- TR-5338 - Performance issue 500 and SQL errors
- TR-5369 - Cannot use the same shared step multiple times via API
- TR-5410 - User cannot upload .tif file to the "Data Management" Gallery
- TR-5419 - E-mail hasn't sent when add test results with 'add_results'
- TR-5423 - is_active" user status via API doesn't change
- TR-5438 - Saving a Test Result removes data in the Expected Result field
- TR-5453 - A blank Idle Session Timeout Policy still leads to a Session Timeout Warning
- TR-5469 - Screenshot in Result Field showing as markdown text after upgrade to 7.8
- TR-5486 - Using double quote " " make a word/sentence disappear in 'Test Case Steps' Template
- TR-5490 - Deletion Status' filter doesn't show soft deleted test cases
- TR-5502 - Reports Description Field has extra spaces by defaults
- TR-5525 - Images link doesn't work
- TR-5529 - Delete image - "Save" button is not active
- TR-5537 - Performance issues (500, Deadlock Errors)
- TR-5543 - Unable to drag and drop attachment to custom field
- TR-5554 - CSV export does not show steps in different rows
- TR-5562 - Attachments are converted into Url after saving test case.
- TR-5568 - Field Attachments is not a valid JSON array. error when rerunning test plan.
- TR-5630 - Cannot Rerun TestPlan with attachments - Field Attachments is not a valid JSON array
- TR-5680 - Run/Plan bulk delete - incorrect entity type in audit log
- TR-5688 - steps_results field does not display all steps
- TR-5698 - User is unable to add attachments to "Additional info" field by clicking 'image' icon (unresponsive)
- TR-5701 - Printing Test Case with Bullet point come out as straight line.
- TR-5702 - Milestones page doesn't have pagination limit
- TR-5739 - Texts/Sentences are cut-off on the results page
- TR-5746 - UI needs to be refreshed when drag and drop section inside another section
- TR-5851 - Todo should be To-do, throughout the Testrail product
- TR-5875 - Assigning test runs: default selection of previous not working
- TR-5909 - Assignee on Test Plan takes multiple entries before assigning
- TR-5944 - Line spaces should be rendered correctly
- TR-6025 - Expected Step is missing from Add Result View
- TR-6052 - No need to assign Project when create any Custom Field
- TR-6054 - Test case compare version image attachments appear as links and Headers do not appear correctly
- TR-6106 - Delete icon still remains as it is after deleting the image.
- TR-6107 - Attachment detail window appeared on clicking extra space
- TR-6120 - "Text as Undefined" error appeared on deleting the attachments from case section
- TR-6124 - "Share" and "Import" buttons for Test Case with Steps don't work
- TR-6135 - Compact View of Test Runs and Results shows wrong percentages/includes statuses that have been set to ignored in customisation
- TR-6287 - PHP error: Allowed memory size of 1073741824 bytes exhausted
- TR-6440 - Import from CSV pop up window shrinks everytime it's closed and reopened.
- TR-6449 - Inconsistency of "Report_ID" for API call and Testrail UI
- TR-6452 - New case creates random bad test result entries
- TR-6477 - Assigned to filter not showing users in the Report filter
- TR-6478 - Test Data Guide links to old URL
- TR-6522 - Text comment doesn’t display in Test Result view page but shows in edit page.
- TR-6558 - Print reports keeps loading for test run (details option)
- TR-6577 - Attachments can't be deleted from Add result section
- TR-6595 - Chart not saving time settings
- TR-6658 - Text becomes duplicated after user clicks on Add report text in Description section
- TR-6665 - "Do not show me again" checkbox is not shown even if it was not checked
- TR-7388 - User is not able to login via SSO Okta
- TR-7448 - Error message is shown due to pagination issue in Windows.
- TR-7542 - Test Case - Markdown - Font applied for Step description field (Steps template) differs from the one used throughout the TCs fields
- TR-7572 - Projects overview: Extra text is added to the Projects tab leftsection
- TR-7650 - Adding a new User via an API request results in a 500 Internal Server Error status error
- TR-7653 - Impossible granting/revoking Admin privileges to/from a User via an API request
- TR-7654 - Test Cases - Add Test Case - Saving TC with Add&Next button does not open a new empty form for the next TC
- TR-7662 - Test Case Title with Escaped Strings are rendered in API
- TR-7801 - Delete attachments - Different errors appear when deleting attachments from different fields and different methods
- TR-7816 - [Edit Project] - Can't overwrite Global Role for projects "Save' button is not activated after 'Project Access' was changed for the user
- TR-7826 - Pagination buttons doesn't work in "Test Cases" tab
- TR-7844 - "Test Cases" tab - Unable to navigate to Sections/Subsections
- TR-7847 - An error occurs while testing SSO connection
- TR-7856 - Data Management - Attachments - Pagination works incorrectly after deleting some attachments on the Data Management page
- TR-7859 - An error occurred after opening completed Milestone
- TR-7970 - Administration - Users&Roles - An error appears when bulk edit all options and select projects/groups
- TR-7975 - Version and Defect shows Elapsed time in Test Run and Result page
- TR-7994 - Data Management - Attachments - An error appears when deleting attachments
- TR-8005 - Data Management - Attachments - An error appears when deleting attachments via 'Delete' button on 'Attachment Details' wizard'
- TR-8068 - Not able to edit projects in TestRail which is having 1000 active users
- TR-8075 - Test Runs - Test Cases - Steps template - Height of Step Description and Expected Result fields is too small
- TR-8087 - Administration: Users and Roles: Manager user can't activate/deactivate another user from Edit User screen
- TR-8171 - Bulk GET API 11 endpoints are missing offset values for pagination | TestRail Server
- TR-8179 - Test Cases - Markdown - Text in angle brackets (<>) is not saved when placed into the table or header
- TR-8180 - Administration: Projects: Per-user project access levels set during project creation are ignored
- TR-8181 - Test Cases - Markdown - Code formatting is not applied in test case fields
- TR-8187 - Test Cases - Markdown - Code span formatting is not applied in test case fields
- TR-8224 - Administration: Projects: project access levels set during project updates are ignored
- TR-8227 - Test Cases - Markdown - Text in angle brackets (<>) is not saved upon edit when placed in table or header in BDD scenario field
- TR-8229 - Test Cases - Fast Track View - Angle brackets ('<' '>') convert to (>) in view and edit mode and disappear upon edit in Fast Track view screen
- TR-8244 - Administration - Projects - Group Project Access set during Project creation is ignored for the first Group from the list.
- TR-8255 - Add Project - Sidebar panel is displayed on the left side at the bottom of page
- TR-8341 - SSO users unable to access TR
Improvements (1)
- TR-6779 - Allow customers to purchase from the TestRail “Administration” area
Get access to TestRail 8.0.3
TestRail 8.0.3 has been released for general availability to users on the Early Access release track. Get access to the features introduced in 8.0.3 now by completing your request to change release tracks here.