Filtering and sorting

As a test management tool, TestRail offers many features to help teams effectively manage their testing efforts. One of such features is the ability to filter and sort test cases, which can greatly enhance the efficiency and productivity of the testing process. In this article, we will explore how to filter and sort test cases in TestRail.

Filtering test cases

Filtering is a powerful feature in TestRail that allows testers to narrow down their test case list based on specific criteria. TestRail provides a range of filtering options that help testers easily and quickly identify relevant test cases. Here's how you can filter test cases in TestRail:

  • Go to the Test Cases page in your project.
  • Click on the Filter button at the top left corner of the Test Cases screen.


  • In the Filter dialog box, you can define filter criteria such as Section, Priority, Status, Assigned To, Created By, Created On, and more to refine your search.


  • Once you have defined the filter criteria, click the OK button to apply the filter and view the filtered list of test cases that match the criteria.

Filtering test cases examples

Filtering by multiple parameters (stricter filter)

If you want to filter tests which have been created by Tester AND create Today, you should use the Match only of the above option.


Filtering by either one or the other parameter (broader filter)

If you want to filter the tests which have Medium priority OR Draft status, you should use the Match any of the above option.


Sorting test cases

Sorting test cases in TestRail allows testers to arrange the test cases in a specific order based on selected fields. Here's how you can sort test cases in TestRail:

  • Go to the Test Cases page in your project.
  • Click on the Sort Button located at the top left corner of the Test Cases page.


  • In the Sort dialog box, you can choose the sorting criteria. You can choose the field by which you want to sort the test cases, such as test case ID, Priority, Status, Title, and more. If you click on sorting criteria, it will sort the test cases.


  • You can also select the sorting order, i.e., ascending or descending, by clicking on the sorting criteria as shown in the below screenshot.


Sorting test cases examples

Sorting test cases based on the Title, in ascending or descending order (alphabetically)



TestRail allows you to combine multiple filters and sorting criteria to refine your search and get more precise results. You can experiment with different filters and sorting combinations to find the most effective way to manage your test cases. To effectively use sorting features, consistently update test case fields such as priority, status, and other relevant fields. This ensures that the sorting results accurately reflect the current status and priority of the test cases.

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