CLI reference

TestRail_CLI (Navy Logo).png

General reference 

$ trcli --help
TestRail CLI v1.9.8
Copyright 2024 Gurock Software GmbH -
Usage: trcli [OPTIONS] COMMAND [ARGS]...

  TestRail CLI

  -c, --config       Optional path definition for testrail-credentials file or
                     CF file.
  -h, --host         Hostname of instance.
  --project          Name of project the Test Run should be created under.
  --project-id       Project id. Will be only used in case project name will
                     be duplicated in TestRail  [x>=1]
  -u, --username     Username.
  -p, --password     Password.
  -k, --key          API key.
  -v, --verbose      Output all API calls and their results.
  --verify           Verify the data was added correctly.
  --insecure         Allow insecure requests.
  -b, --batch-size   Configurable batch size.  [default: (50); x>=2]
  -t, --timeout      Batch timeout duration.  [default: (30); x>=0]
  -y, --yes          answer 'yes' to all prompts around auto-creation
  -n, --no           answer 'no' to all prompts around auto-creation
  -s, --silent       Silence stdout
  --proxy            Proxy address and port (e.g.,
  --proxy-user       Proxy username and password in the format
  --noproxy          Comma-separated list of hostnames to bypass the proxy
                     (e.g., localhost,
  --help Show this message and exit. 
  parse_junit    Parse JUnit report and upload results to TestRail
  parse_openapi  Parse OpenAPI spec and create cases in TestRail
  parse_robot    Parse Robot Framework report and upload results to TestRail

Parse JUnit reference (upload results)

$ trcli parse_junit --help
TestRail CLI v1.9.8
Copyright 2024 Gurock Software GmbH -
Usage: trcli parse_junit [OPTIONS]

  Parse JUnit report and upload results to TestRail

  -f, --file          Filename and path.
  --close-run         Close the newly created run
  --title             Title of Test Run to be created in TestRail.
  --case-matcher      Mechanism to match cases between the report and
  --suite-id          Suite ID to submit results to.  [x>=1]
  --suite-name        Suite name to submit results to.
  --run-id            Run ID for the results they are reporting (otherwise the
                      tool will attempt to create a new run).  [x>=1]
  --plan-id           Plan ID with which the Test Run will be associated.
  --config-ids        Comma-separated configuration IDs to use along with Test
                      Plans (i.e.: 34,52).
  --milestone-id      Milestone ID to which the Test Run should be associated
                      to.  [x>=1]
  --section-id        Section ID to create new sections with test cases under
                      (optional).  [x>=1]
  --run-description   Summary text to be added to the test run.
  --case-fields       List of case fields and values for new test cases
                      creation. Usage: --case-fields type_id:1 --case-fields
  --result-fields     List of result fields and values for test results
                      creation. Usage: --result-fields custom_field_a:value1
                      --result-fields custom_field_b:3
  --allow-ms          Allows using milliseconds for elapsed times.
  --special-parser    Optional special parser option for specialized JUnit
  --help              Show this message and exit.
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