SauceLabs and saucectl reports

SauceLabs and saucectl

SauceLabs is a cloud-based testing platform that provides you with the infrastructure and tools you need to execute all your tests, manual and automated. One of the available tools in SauceLabs is the saucectl. This command line interface orchestrates the relationship between your tests in your framework, and the rich parallelization, test history filtering, and analytics of Sauce Labs. It also supports JUnit reports, enhanced with information about your test sessions.

Integrating results into TestRail

TestRail also provides a command line interface tool to enable easily importing automated tests results and even automatically creating test cases. The TestRail CLI basic functionality consists of parsing JUnit reports and sending particular execution data to TestRail, in order to centralize all your test results.

Since one tool produces a JUnit report and the other one consumes that same report, the integration between SauceLabs and TestRail becomes very simple, as per the diagram below.


In case you need some sample code to quickly get hands-on, please see our Cypress-saucectl sample project on GitHub.

Using the TestRail CLI


For a better understanding of the content in this section, we recommend you also read the TestRail CLI documentation.

As mentioned above, the TestRail CLI is designed to parse JUnit reports and import certain execution data by default. The report generated by SauceLabs is enhanced with session information and it contains multiple executions in one report, so the TestRail CLI has a special parser designed specially for this case. In order to import SauceLabs results, when executing the TestRail CLI in your command line, you should use the option --special-parser saucectl. This will enable importing all test executions into separate test runs in TestRail. 

<testsuites tests="8">
  <testsuite name="Firefox -" tests="1" time="48">
      <property name="url" value=""/>
      <property name="browser" value="firefox 108"/>
      <property name="platform" value="Windows 11"/>
    <testcase name="Component 1 Verify page structure" time="0.9450" classname="Verify page structure"/>
  <testsuite name="Firefox -" tests="1" time="80">
      <property name="url" value=""/>
      <property name="browser" value="firefox 108"/>
      <property name="platform" value="Windows 11"/>
    <testcase name="Component 2 Verify page structure" time="0.9670" classname="Verify page structure"/>
  <testsuite name="Chrome -" tests="1" time="65">
      <property name="url" value=""/>
      <property name="browser" value="chrome 106"/>
      <property name="platform" value="Windows 11"/>
    <testcase name="Component 1 Verify page structure" time="0.7500" classname="Verify page structure">
      <failure type="element not found" message="Fail due to...">stacktrace...</failure>
  <testsuite name="Chrome -" tests="1" time="33">
      <property name="url" value=""/>
      <property name="browser" value="chrome 106"/>
      <property name="platform" value="Windows 11"/>
    <testcase name="Component 2 Verify page structure" 
    time="0.7570" classname="Verify page structure"/>

This report reflects the execution of the same project in two different devices - Firefox and Chrome - which can be identified on the testsuite element names, as per the image below. This means that the TestRail CLI will create two test runs in TestRail and add the corresponding test results. Each test run contains the same tests, which are Component 2 Verify page structure and Component 1 Verify page structure


TestRail will also include the browser and platform values in each test run description and the session url in the results of each test case.


Note that more than one test case can be executed in one SauceLabs session, so multiple test results will often have the URL to the same session.

In the snippet below you can find a sample of the command you should use to parse SauceLabs reports. The one thing that differs from regular TestRail CLI usage is the --special-parser saucectl option.

$ trcli -y \
>  -h \
>  --project "My Project" \
>  --username INSERT-EMAIL \
>  --password INSERT-PASSWORD \
>  parse_junit \
>  --title "Cross-browser automated tests" \
>  --special-parser "saucectl" \
>  "./saucelabs-report.xml"

If you execute this command using the report sample above and go to your Test Cases page, you will see that test cases were automatically created, resulting in a test suite similar to the image below. Notice that although you have four testcase elements in the report file, they refer to the same two test cases being executed in two different browsers, so only two tests are created in TestRail.


By opening the Test Runs & Results page, you will see two test runs, one for each browser, which is added to the test run title between parenthesis.


By drilling down to the first test run, relative to the automated tests execution using Chrome, we can see the execution platform information on the test run description and the session URL in the test result. This allows you to have execution context, as well as to quickly navigate to the SauceLabs session in order to find more information about the test execution itself.






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